Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The title really says it all. I moved last Thursday and i couldn't be happier. I absolutly love my new host family, the Ahrens. My mom Dagmar is super easy to talk to and shes always there if i need to. She also just really cool about everything! Freya is my older sister, she's 17 and she's so awesome! last year she went to Mexico so she really understands what I'm going through. She's SO helpful and also just a great friend/sister/person! Both Dagmar and Freya really help with my German, they understand that I need help sometimes and they make learning fun by giving me words of the day! I don't see much of my host dad, Peter, because he's at work most of they time, but he's nice too! I have 2 younger sisters, Theda is 15 and Merle is 13. Theda is super cool! Last Saturday her, Freya, and I went to a ball and we hung out most of the night since neither of us can really dance (And when i say "can't dance" i mean like couples ballroom dancing,because of course i can break it down ;)) Merle is only 13 but she looks and acts like she's at least 15!! She's cool and nice too! (really this entire family is just super cool and nice!!) She let me chill in her room with her and her friend and watch Harry Potter in german! So awesome! OHHHH and they have the sweetest dog named Kaya :D So that's pretty much all i have to say for today!
XOXO That Foreign Exchange Girl

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Packing and Ski Trips

Just a quick post before i finish packing. Don't freak out, i'm not coming home this soon ;) nope, with rotary exchange i'm sceduled to have 3 different host families! ANYWAYS I was recently invited on a Rotary Ski trip! Now here's the thing, this is the seconded ski trip i've been invited on, the first was with my school.... but someone thinks I can't ski *cough cough* I think it would be really sad to come to Germany and never go on a ski trip :( This is obviously part of the culture if this is the SECONED i've been invited on (I have great logic, i know ;)) So how can you help?! Well hey family! LOOK I'm blogging for YOU! So if someone donates me money I'll give you a shout out in a blog AND a vlog AND i'll send you a post card AND I'll make a MV when I go on my ski trip in Austria :D And no I will not lose intrest in this. I want to go. No matter what you hear I want to go and will not drop it. I'm serious >.< that's my serious face! Still not sold on this whole "Kenzie skiing in the Alps"?! Lets try the sympathy approach, I'm missing Turkey Day :'( No pumpkin pie for me.... or turkey.... or those yummy sweat potatoes with marshmallos :(( But skiing might make me feel better (Cue puppy dog eyes) Convinced yet? Pshh, what am I talking about?! of course your convinced! So If you'd like to donate you can contact me any way you like :D
XOXO That Foreign Exchange Girl (>.< still serious)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

So Today...

I read my friend Madi's blog http://madismithdenmark.blogspot.com/ She's in Dennmark :)) iIt was refreshingly honest! I usually try to keep things upbeat and happy even though that's not always the case so i think i'm going to start being a little more liberal here on my blog beacuse it's my blog. So for starters I think English class is difficult! It's not really a "language" class. The Germans have been studying it since the 5th grade. It's very different from American English classes beacuse the student is actually required to think. Right now in English we're reading "The World Is Flat" I'm really enjoying it! BUt now i'm supposed to do a project with my friend, no rubric, no example, we have just been told to give a talk about "Friedman on politics" and told what passages to read. WHAT?! I'm confused O.o Well i guess i'll try my best and be really glad that I don't get graded (once again i refer to the fact that "American Idiot" would have been a great blog name)
XOXO That Foreign Exchange Girl (And yes I DO watch too much Gossip Girl)