Hello everyone :D i have been on break for the past two weeks which has made it kind of hard to post. But i've done alot sooooo here it goes!
I went on a weekend trip on a house boat in the Netherlands. It was two days of driving the boat. We stopped in two cities. It was interesting to see how even people in the Netherlands act differently from Germans.
Then i went to Bavaria with my host family. We went to the Weiskirche, which was this really old church. We also went to the Neuschwanstein castle, which is really cool. Apperently Walt Disney based his castle off this one! We went to the Franz Marc museum (he was an artist). And we went to the Duetches museum which is this really big famous museum in Munich. Then i did a little shopping in Munich, I found a great shop called Angels Inn, they actually had stuff from America! I bought the greatest pair of feather earings and a super cute bag that says "Munich is for Lovers"! Over all the trip was pretty fun, i got to see some beautiful things....
But the best part of my break was the German tour with all the other Rotary Exchange Students!!!! I love them all so much, they are the only people who understand EXCACTLY what i'm going through. We went on a bus tour and we went to the Grenzmuseum and spent the night in Erfurt. The next day we went to Buchenwald (a concertration camp) the're ar'nt really words to describe it, it's really something you have to see for yourself. After that we went to a town called Weimar where we could go to a museum or have free time. Initially my friends and i planned on going to the museum like good exchange students, but then we met this woman from Australia who owned a pizza place. We ended up talking to her the whole afternoon. She was so nice and we were able to talk about all our problems with her. She was realllt wise and caring. It sounds almost silly to say we spent our afternoon in a pizza shop talking to someone we had just met, but i would do it again! I think that an exchange year is more about learning history and facts, it's about the people that you meet and the life lessons you learn and that's not something you fimg in a museum!
So i'd also like to tell you about some of the most amazing people ever!!! i would like to tell you about all the exchange students, but then this post would go on FOREVER! so i'm going to tell you about the 3 people i spent the most time with, Crystal, Kathrine, and Shannon. We're all from America and we got super close on this trip. They are all so wonderful and nice. They made this the best trip ever and i'm sure we will be haging out more in the future!
Monday we went to Berlin and had a bus tour around the city. On Tuesday we had free time, suprisingly i didn't go with my American friends, instead i went with a new group and now i am a Mexican! That's what i love about people our side of the world, you can spend one day with a group of Mexicans and then you are one, Americans can be best friends with strangers, people from the U.S.A talk to everyone..... That's something that's REALLY different in Europe. Anyways, we went to the checkpoint Charlie museum and then we went shopping :) Wedensday we had more free time so us American girls went to the Berliner Dom and the DDR museum AND THE HARDROCK CAFE :D That was the best part! Sadly the next day we all had to head back to our host families, back to school, and back to speaking German (instead of english, portugese, or spanish.)
So after one of the best weeks of my life i'm back here in my room blogging about my break and eating pistacios :) i'll try to keep you more updated!
XOXO That Foreign Exchange Girl (btw mom everyone agrees i should have called it American Idiot :P but i still love you :))